18 Of The Absolute Creepiest Babies In Film

Linda Meyers
Updated February 25, 2021 142.1K views 18 items
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Vote up the babies that give you the worst case of the creeps.

When most people think of babies, the words that tend to come to mind are cute, tiny, harmless, and so on. This is what makes it so much more terrifying when that expectation is turned on its head in film. There's something sickeningly unnatural watching the little beings we're evolutionarily programmed to fawn over become killers, monsters, or demons. Even in less intense situations, like when a movie simply replaces a normal live baby with CGI for ease of filming, the result still gives people the creeps. It just looks... off. 

So here's a list dedicated to those little weirdos - a countdown of the creepiest infants in film, from simple CGI faux pas to straight-up hellspawn. So which babies freak you out most? Don't forget to vote up the most horrifying ones to let us know!

  • 1
    1,307 VOTES

    Grace From 'Grace'

    In this 2009 film, a woman gives birth to a child that was previously believed to be dead in the womb. At first, this seems like a miracle, until we see the baby attracting swarms of flies and taking milk so aggressively she appears to be sucking her mother's blood instead. As it turns out, she can only survive on human blood, and her mother is willing to do anything to get it for her.

    1,307 votes
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    1,126 VOTES

    Ceiling Baby From 'Trainspotting'

    When someone says "creepy babies in movies," this is probably one of the first things that comes to mind. Trainspotting may not be a horror movie, but it's certainly a movie about horror - the horrors of addiction. One of the worst scenes is when, after an infant child passes away from neglect, it appears to one of the characters in a fever dream, crawling around on the ceiling, turning its head 360 degrees, and just being generally terrifying.

    1,126 votes
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    913 VOTES

    Maggot Baby From 'The Fly'

    It's a...! Worm? In this classic film, protagonist Seth Brundle flies (ha) too close to the sun and accidentally infuses himself with fly DNA during a science experiment. When his love interest, Ronnie, learns this fact, along with the knowledge that she is pregnant by him, she subsequently dreams that she will birth not a human child, but a maggot. Luckily, it's only a nightmare.

    913 votes
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    798 VOTES

    The Davis' Baby from 'It's Alive'

    1974's It's Alive takes on complicated themes of drug use, parenthood, and nature versus nurture in subtle and nuanced ways. Just kidding, this mutant child murders a bunch of doctors and nurses mere seconds after birth because his mom took contraceptives from a sketchy company. Then it takes a whole mob of armed cops to take him down.

    798 votes
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    1,187 VOTES

    Renesmee From 'Breaking Dawn'

    There's no winning with this one. When Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 first came out, even some fans were a little off-put by the uncanny-valley CGI baby Bella gives birth to. Luckily it's not on screen for too long, so it's easy to try to ignore. But it could have been even worse. There are some behind-the-scenes images which show a Chucky-esque animatronic doll that could have been used for filming instead.

    1,187 votes
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    932 VOTES

    Zombie Baby From 'Dawn of the Dead'

    No one can top George Romero's classic 1978 film Dawn of the Dead. But Zach Snyder certainly tried with this 2004 remake. It has plenty of differences from the original, but one of the more striking ones is the inclusion of this zombified baby. We're not sure what makes it creepier, the fact that it's an undead child or the too-smooth CGI movements and animalistic scream.

    932 votes
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    679 VOTES

    Baby (?) From 'Eraserhead'

    It's a David Lynch film, so everything is weird and nothing makes sense. But this baby, if you can even call it that, really takes the cake. Only a mother could love this lizard-headed, pencil-necked spermatozoon. At one point, its "father" Spencer finally decides to pay it some attention (after neglecting it for basically the entire movie). But when he opens the baby's swaddling, it turns out it has no skin. Then the organs start falling out. Ew.

    679 votes
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    578 VOTES

    Nola's Baby From 'The Brood'

    In this 1979 Canadian horror film, psychiatric patient Nola Carveth is subjected to so much abuse that her rage manifests in the form of tumors on her body, which then birth stunted, murderous children: her brood. The scene in which we finally get to see one of these horrific births is an absolutely iconic one in the body horror genre, and for good reason.

    578 votes
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    657 VOTES

    Baby Freddy From 'A Nightmare on Elm Street 5'

    This monstrosity comes out of A Nightmare on Elm Street 5, accurately subtitled The Dream Child. In one scene, we get to witness Amanda Krueger give birth to baby Freddy, who it turns out has been absolutely hideous since the moment he was brought into this world. Honestly, at this point, the burns were an improvement.

    657 votes
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    699 VOTES

    Dren From 'Splice'

    Not only does Dren look like a cross between a frog, a human, and a velociraptor, but only seconds after being "born" she's already far too intelligent for a baby. Her rapidly accelerated physical growth and mental development scream "danger" from the rooftops, something which our standard foolish horror movie protagonists will, of course, ignore.

    699 votes
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    638 VOTES

    Chestburster From 'Alien'

    Sure, it's not eactly a human infant. But it is a baby, and it was "birthed" out of a human - a poor, poor human. The chestburster scene is one of the best scenes in the movie, not only due to the impressive effects and shock factor, but also because it perfectly sets up the level of fear and respect we should have for the monster to come. If a mere baby can be this destructive, just think about how much worse it'll be dealing with an adult.

    638 votes
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    503 VOTES

    Zombie Baby From 'Dead Alive'

    1992's Dead Alive (also known as Brain Dead) didn't really get any mainstream recognition until its director, Peter Jackson (surprise), saw more commercial and critical success with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Falling into the category of "splatstick," this baby character is, appropriately, as disgusting as it is hilarious to look at.

    503 votes
  • 13
    490 VOTES

    Hell Baby From 'Hell Baby'

    Just because Hell Baby was a comedy doesn't mean this thing doesn't look freaky. Complete with horns, fangs, and pointy ears, what more can you ask for in your demonic spawn? 

    490 votes
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    637 VOTES

    Alvey From 'Son of the Mask'

    Alvey isn't creepy because he's imbued with the powers of the ancient Norse god of chaos. He's creepy because there is absolutely nothing that can fix the unnatural look of a CGI baby dancing to vaudevillian show tunes. There are many reasons this film bombed in comparison to the original Mask starring Jim Carrey. We're willing to bet Alvey was one of them.

    637 votes
  • 15
    418 VOTES

    Baby Werewolf From 'Howling III'

    So would this thing technically be considered a puppy? 1987's Howling III answers all the questions no movie ever should, namely: what would actually happen if a human tried to procreate with a werewolf? The answer appears to be: bad things. Also, because these are Australian werewolves we're talking about, the mother keeps her newborn pup warm in a gross flesh pouch on her belly. You know, like a kangaroo. 

    418 votes
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    622 VOTES

    Big Baby From 'Toy Story 3'

    Toy Story 3 may not be a horror movie but it sure does have some dark moments, from Woody and the gang basically being tortured by the children at daycare, to the moment where they all hold and hands and accept death by landfill incinerator. Then there's this. Big Baby is basically the muscle for the movie's villain, silently toddling around, staring down and intimidating much smaller toys to stay in line. He's just a big bad baby goon.

    622 votes
  • 17
    499 VOTES

    Spawn Of Satan From 'Rosemary's Baby'

    This baby is so incredibly terrifying that you don't even get to see it on screen. You couldn't handle it. Mia Farrow looks into the eyes of Satan's son, and the only reason she survives is because he lets her. Somebody needs to change those demonic diapers after all. 

    499 votes
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    404 VOTES

    Star Child From '2001: A Space Odyssey'

    Being a giant space fetus with a thousand-yard stare automatically makes the Star Child at least a little creepy. But there's also a sense of cosmic horror, a Lovecraftian dread that comes with its appearance at the end of the movie. Where do we go when we die? What is the next step in human evolution? What does it all mean? The answer coming in the form of the Star Child isn't just frustratingly weird, it's terrifyingly mysterious. 

    404 votes