Magnolia kobus Kobushi, Thurber's Magnolia


Magnolia kobus Kobushi, Thurber's Magnolia

A medium sized tree with a crown that is upright pyramidal and closed at first. As the branches start to droop with age the crown eventually becomes spreading ovoid. Width circa 8 m. The smooth and bare branches have woolly-haired leaf buds. The leaf, which is short acuminate and obovate, turns yellow in autumn. Before the leaf appears this tree produces white, completely open flowers. These are circa 10 cm across. A late night frost may damage the flowers. At a young age M. kobus does not flower profusely, but when mature it is an abundantly flowering tree. Seedlings can take longer to come into flowering. After the flowers dark red receptacles appear. When ripening the pink-red seeds come out. The fleshy roots grow both shallow and deep.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from noviembre 2024.
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8 - 12 m
pyramidal, later spreading ovoid , half-open crown
Corteza y ramas
smooth, grey bark, twigs dark brown red
obovate, green, 6 - 15 cm
white, Ø circa 10 cm, March/April, fragrant flowers
elongated, dark red, circa 12 cm long
no suele ser tóxico para las personas, las mascotas (grandes) y el ganado
Tipo de suelo
all, except alkaline soils
Humedad del suelo
resistencia a breves inundaciones
Requisitos de colocación
Soporta el pavimento
resistencia a las heladas
6a (-23,3 a -20,6 °C)
Resistencia al viento
Otras resistencias
resistencia a las heladas (Rusticidad 1 a 6), resistencia al viento
avenidas y calles anchas, árbol en cubo, jardines de azotea
árbol de tronco alto, árbol multi tronco
árbol de tronco alto árbol multi tronco sustrato ácido suelo arcilloso sustrato arcilloso suelos de turba suelos arenosos Soporta el pavimento resistencia a las heladas (Rusticidad 1 a 6) resistencia a breves inundaciones resistencia al viento Ovoide ancho 3er tamaño: menor de 6 metros de alto Corona semiabierta verde rosa blanco marzo crecimiento medio florecimiento espectacular no venenoso (normal) Frutas decorativas flores aromáticas árbol para trepar
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Magnolia kobus

Magnolia kobus can eventually reach a height of 8 - 12 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Magnolia kobus is crecimiento medio and can eventually reach a height of 8 - 12 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Magnolia kobus is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Magnolia kobus with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.
